李秀洋 男 1956年出生 河北邯郸人
Xiuyang Li, male, was born in Hebei Handan in 1956.
Graduated from Jingdezhen ceramics institute of arts sculpture in 1982, Bachelor’s Degree and then majored in Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts Sculpture in 2000. Now he is the professor of Handan College of Arts and Media; Institute director of Cizhou kiln Art Research Institute; Member of Chinese Sculpture Professional Committee and Research Society of Hebei Province. His works often win a prize in the national and regional cities. And He has made tens of sculptures for Handan, which is the famous historic and cultural city. The monograph ‘Xiuyang’s sculpture art’ was published in 2003, contained the main work ‘The Handan Toddler’, etc.
