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作者 | 赵惠民 |
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尺寸 | 高36厘米 |
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说明 | 赵惠民 粉彩“秋庭婴戏”薄胎瓶 高36厘米 题识:秋庭婴戏。古越赵惠民作於景德镇艺术瓷厂美研室。 印识:雅玩珍藏 作品赏析 兹薄胎瓶器形修长,清丽脱俗,韵致隽永。口沿、肩颈及足部俱以细笔蘸着黑彩施绘璎珞、蕉叶、变形如意等纹饰,端雅秀美,雍容庄静。腹身掷笔绘就粉彩“秋庭婴戏图”,画面布局殊妙,妇孺形神并蓄,刻画细致入微,言其衣饰、配景,皆毫髮不爽,笔触自然灵丽,不见拖沓塞滞,褶襞流转圆旋,尤臻乎流水行云之妙,真可谓厚积而薄发乎。赵惠民规抚前人粉本无数,然所作气韵殊致、己貌不失,惟能博观约取,知宗而用妙耳。 Zhao Huimin An egg-shell porcelain ‘Maiden’ vase H.36cm Appreciation: A mother holds her young child on her knee and one playing by her side. The mother is dressed in classical robes and sits on a typical cane chair. The children’s heads are fully shaven apart from a short tuft left at the front. This style is thought to represent a peach, a Chinese symbol of longevity. RMB: 70,000-90,000 |