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作者 | 张景寿 |
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尺寸 | 44×77厘米 |
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说明 | 张景寿 粉彩“春城无处不飞花”瓷板 创作年份 1996 44×77厘米 题识:春城无处不飞花。丙子年仲春张景寿作。 作品赏析 半架藤花酿春气,数隻好鸟报新晴。张景寿此作,师古人之心,然不学古人之迹,不见浮花浪蕊,亦不览倡条冶叶,满目春光无限,弥觉其隽美秀上焉。笔触细腻灵俊,赋色霞明光澄,枝干虬曲缠绕、穿插自如,藤花硕硕丰盈、垂颜畅遂,蓝羽飞鸟驻足休憩,又似在呢喃耳语,观之意得忘倦、心神恬宁,有此数端,定是出自丹青名手之妙笔。 Zhang Jingshou A famille-rose ‘Birds and Flowers’ porcelain board 1996 44×77cmcm Appreciation: The artist has used a number of complementary blues, pinks and purples to paint in the blossoms. Harsh greens and browns are used to pick out details on the leaves and branches. The birds give balance to the composition, placed as they are in the upper right corner of the work. RMB: 80,000-100,000 作者简介 张景寿(B.1920),江西乐平人,师从程意亭。1959年获首批景德镇“陶瓷美术家”称号。系中国美术家协会江西分会会员。擅长粉彩花鸟,被民间誉为陶瓷画“花鸟大王”。 |