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作者 | 赖德全 |
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尺寸 | 82×22厘米 |
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说明 | 赖德全 泼彩“春夏秋冬”瓷板(四件) 82×22厘米 附证书 作品赏析 兹“春夏秋冬” 瓷板,四时更替,绮相迭变,乾坤轮转,万物循生,周而复始,去而复来,望之,似历一年光阴,心觉感慨万千。赖德全作画,极尽泼彩能事,流光溢彩,绚烂别致,厥臻入迥然之境。春夏秋冬,邈不相侔,清新律切,情愫醇浓。运色随心而至,纵洒挥淋,水漫趣生,形神不散,若润含春雨,尤过之无不及矣。天地妙相熔铸笔端,迁想妙得,意态灵奇,光色殚幻,穷其变者,迥非华妍笔墨能一言以概,品来是觉意蕴无穷。 Lai Dequan A set of four famille-rose ‘Four Seasons’ porcelain boards 82×22cm Appreciation: The artist has specifically chosen to use four different colour palates, one for each of the seasons. This allows him to cultivate, in equal measure, feelings of summer warmth, winter chill, autumn languor, and spring’s awakening. The structural composition of the pieces are very similar, with all the trees features up thrusting branches and thick foliage, and based on simply painted terrain. RMB: 200,000-300,000 作者简介 赖德全(B.1955),江西赣州人,生於景德镇。现为景德镇市陶瓷研究所所长、高级工艺美术师、中国工艺美术大师、中国工艺美术学会高级会员,享受国务院特殊津贴。首创釉上珍珠彩,擅作色釉、粉彩、指画及民间青花装饰。 |