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作者 | 周国桢 |
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尺寸 | 腹径19.5厘米 高40.5厘米 |
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说明 | 周国桢 青花釉里红“哨兵”瓶 创作年份 2005 腹径19.5厘米 高40.5厘米 作品赏析 周国桢嗜作猫头鹰,多以其表现正气浩浩、刚正不阿之形象。所作皆高瞻远眺,凝神静瞩,面目迥异,灏气凌然。运笔绘形绘神,全无匠工之拙,釉里红秾艳鲜目,令观者热血沸涌。蕴藉深微,挹之不尽,风致朴茂,不可殚言,个中隐意,岂常庸之辈所能玩味? Zhou Guozhen A copper-red and underglaze blue ‘Owl’ vase 2005 D.19.5cm H.40.5cm Appreciation: The artist has used his glazing to fantastic effect by providing a flowing uniform outline to the figure of the owl whilst also allowing blue highlights to bring the bird to life. Small dabs of yellow glaze provide the final touches to this skillfully worked piece. RMB: 80,000-100,000 作者简介 周国桢(B.1932),湖南省仁县人。现为中国美协理事、中国工艺美术学会雕塑专业委员会顾问、中国工艺美术学会江西分会主席、江西雕塑协会会长、景德镇市美协名誉主席、高岭陶艺学会理事长、中国工艺美术大师评委、江西景德镇陶瓷学院教授。 |